Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Speedy teXter

Texting is taking over; it is a new way to communicate. It’s a way to communicate when you don’t have time to talk on the phone, or simply if you don’t want to speak to the other person. As time passes by, more and more people are starting to use text messages. I use them because I can be having a conversation with multiple people and still be doing what I need to do. It’s also a way that you don’t have to use your minutes. If you have unlimited texting it’s worth it, but only if you use it a lot. It’s a flat rate and you can send and receive as many text messages as you want. The problem with texting is texting while driving. People often think they can text and drive at the same time. Then when they crash they realize they can’t, and then it’s too late. I am guilty of driving and texting, but on rare occasions. And when I do, I’m smart about it and am extra careful. Other than that, if I get a call I most likely won’t answer it. But I’m not talking about talking; I’m talking about text messages. Texting during class is another thing you shouldn’t do it’s disrespectful and I think it shouldn’t be done in class. It’s like taking a call, if you’re going to take a call, take it outside.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reality TV

As I was a little kid I loved watching tv, but never any reality shows. At points some would seem interesting during the previews but they never really catch my attention. As I grew up and found out that Santa was fake, I also found out that the reality shows were all fake. I didn’t understand and at first I didn’t believe it. But as I grew up I believed it, although I’m not completely positive that it isn’t real I don’t believe in it. I actually hate watching them, like why would I even care what’s going on in other people’s life that has money to just have cameras following them around. If they don’t know what to do with the money they can always give me some and I’ll be more than happy to take some. So yeah I don’t really care about what’s going on in their lifes. I also don’t like watching cribs, I mean its nice and all that they have a lot of cool stuff, but their just showing off everything they have and the nothing that we have. I actually don’t dislike much about them, probably just that they take up time for other shows, and even then I don’t mind because I don’t watch that much TV. I don’t think these types of shows are harmful, I don’t see how they would be harmful in any way. I guess I can’t really say much because I don’t really watch them, but I wouldn’t think it’s harmful. I mean its just reality what harm would it do? In a way I think it would benefit our society because it shows kids what to expect in the “real” world. Reality TV is not a guilty pleasure or something I avoid, it’s something I don’t have time to watch. When I turn on the TV I never come across a reality show, their not on when I watch TV. But if it happens to be on for any reason, then I will avoid it, The most recent show that every loves talking about, Jersey Shore, has not even came to mind to watch a single episode. Something about Italians and who knows what else, Snooky getting punched by a guy who cares, I don’t! So that pretty much tells you that I don’t watch reality TV shows.