Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Past Present and Future

My past has not been easy, i have gotten in trouble many times. All throughout high school i would get in trouble for not doing my homework. At home i would get in trouble by my parents. Im glad to say i didn't get in trouble with the police. Now that i think about it, i wasn't that bad as a kid. School was and still is my challenge in life. I did get suspended in Jr high for doing a few dumb things, but nothing big. High schhol was a bit harder then i expected but i got past that.

My present is alright, I still get in trouble and have hard times. I dont get so much in troble because in college theres much more freedom, however school isn't the only place where I can get in trouble. There's also my house with my parents. Its been a good experience so far and I hope nothing goes wrong. I don't have a lot to complain about and nothing to brag about.

I hope my future turns out well, and has a lot of great things for me. I expect to keep going to college and continue my education. When I'm ready to move out I will, hopefully it'll be with friends. That wasy it won't be just me and we can split the rent, party ever weekend, and do anything we desire. When I'm settled in with my family, i wish to have a healthy family. Have everything we need and be wealthy. Not too rich and not too poor, just enough for what we need and little bit for what we want. As where I want to live, I would want to live in many different places at different times of the year. Some place where it snows a bit, where it's hot and perfect weather. Well that is some of my past, a little bit of my future and plans and expectations for my future.


  1. Hi Andy!

    Great to see your blog up and going!

  2. I like the way you put "Not too rich and not too poor, just enough for what we need and little bit for what we want," that's a great goal it is not good to have too much of something or too little.

  3. Seems like you know some of what you want. Maybe in time you will have more goals and get to do things like travel to places. Keep doing your homework and you will not get into trouble. Good luck in English class.

  4. Sounds like you've got a plan, and in this world, that's half the battle. I admire how you are still looking at school as a positive, even though from the sounds of it, it can be a bit overwhelming.....good luck....Cuervo

  5. Stay out of trouble Andy, and keep going to school. goodluck!
