Monday, October 4, 2010


                Family should be very important to everyone; they are the people who you are raised with and the ones that love you. No matter what happens, you shouldn’t stop talking to them or get mad at them. They should always be part of your life. My family is small; it’s my dad, my mom, my older brother, then me. That’s only one part of it. The other part is big. I have 6 uncles and aunts put together, and they all have more than two kids. That’s only on one side of my family, in the other side, there is a few more cousins. I only get to see a part of the big side of my family once a year, because they live in Mexico. I have an uncle and two aunts, who live here, along with my cousins.  I have 9 cousins who live here in the US. And in Mexico there is 6 uncles/aunts and 16 cousins. One of my cousins has two kids and three other ones have one. So I’m an uncle here and in Mexico. At first it’s weird seeing my cousins in Mexico because its been a while since I see them, but after a few it feels normal again.
                I’ve known of people who don’t talk to other family members due to a problem they once had. I personally think that’s wrong, their family and you shouldn’t be mad at them for ever for a dumb reason, and never talk to them again. It might have been wrong what they did or what you did, but people make mistakes and this is your family, not any random person in the street. You carry the same type of blood within you and for you to not even talk to them is wrong. Family should also help other family members out, that’s what family is for. They shouldn’t lie to them, their family, why would anyone have to lie to a family member; they should always be completely honest and never lie. What would be a good reason to lie at all? I think there is none. People should always be honest, to everyone and to family. If you’re all alone during a holiday and you don’t like to be alone, your family is there for you, most of the time, and well at least they should be there for you. You can join them and spend a great time with them.


  1. I can relate to not talking to family members but it's because they live so far away and I don't really know them. I wish I knew them. It would be cool to have a cousin or uncle to talk to.

  2. communication is a big part of having a great family. and talking to them as much as possble is always the best.

  3. I also don't talk to my family as much either. Altough family shold be important to everyone, people don't treat it like that.

  4. If you lie eventually people find out this. They will see you as a liar.

  5. Families are the most important people in our lives and shouldn't hold any grudges.

  6. It's so sad when there is disagreement in the family and people stop talking to each other. Half the time nobody even remembers the real reason why!
